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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Story Behind Tim Tebow

Got 30 seconds?
In 2010, this was one of the most controversial ads played during the Superbowl:

Believe it or not, this ad had pro-abortion groups up in arms. Before it was aired, a coalition of abortion rights groups petitioned CBS to reject the add, arguing that it was "divisive." The Women's Media Center equated the ad with "anti-abortion vitriol" that has led to the murder of doctors, and decried it as "anti choice."  Afterward, having failed to censor CBS, the National Organization for Women even went so far as to claim that the ad promotes domestic violence!

What were they really up in arms about? The story behind the story - that Tim's mother had rejected doctor's advice to abort him, despite the likelihood that he would be born with irreversible damage due to medications taken to save her own life during pregnancy. 

If you've read this far, I'd like to encourage you to devote another ten minutes of your life to hearing the full story, as told by Bob & Pam Tebow.

Tim Tebow isn't a superhero, and we need to guard against putting him on a pedestal. He's a human being with feet of clay, just like the rest of us. But he's also a great football player who is using that platform to share his story and tell the world about Jesus.

Please take some time today to pray for our brother in Christ.

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