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Monday, September 12, 2011


This message continues a series of thoughts about our Vision Statement:
“A multicultural family, growing in faith, connecting people with Christ.”
“Connecting.” It always amazes me that I can be in a room full of people, and still feel alone. You would think that living in New Jersey, the most densely populated state, everyone would be overwhelmed with friends. But the truth is, we live in one of the most lonely cultures on earth. People, people, everywhere, and not a friend to be found.
The Bible says that one of the reasons we so often feel disconnected from people is because we’re also disconnected from God. Our disobedience, selfishness, and inward focus creates a barrier between us and God. It’s a problem we call “sin.” And, since God made you specifically in order to be in a relationship with you, that sin-separation leaves us feeling lost and alone.
The good news is that God is always eager and ready to bridge that gap with the love and forgiveness that comes through Jesus. There’s nothing God wants more than to get connected with you, share the joys and hurts of your life, love you with perfect love. What’s more, when we get our lives plugged into a personal relationship with God, we are also invited into a community of Christ-followers (called the Church) where we can experience and share God’s love with other folks like us – in other words, imperfect people, loving God, and trying to live that out with one another.   More next week…!

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