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Sunday, July 17, 2011


For the next few weeks I'll be writing some thoughts about our church's vision statement in our Sunday bulletin. I'll also share them here!

A Few Words about our Vision Statement:
It is our vision to be “A multicultural family, growing in faith, connecting people with Christ.”
“Multicultural.” On the surface, you might think this is about the fact that our church worships in two languages, Spanish and English. But culture is about much more than language.
Among our English speaking members, some hail from England, Italy, the Caribbean, and countries around the world. Our Spanish speaking members come from Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina, Puerto Rico, Cuba, and more, and these individual countries differ as much as the many countries of Europe. Not only that, we have cultural differences based on our age, race, economics, and upbringing. Each of us brings unique gifts (and challenges) to the body.
It’s significant that God waited until a day when people from all over the world, with a cornucopia of languages, were in Jerusalem before he gave birth to the church with the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:5-11).
Being intentionally multicultural requires much shared sacrifice. It would certainly be easier to be in a church where everyone is “like us.” But, in God’s opinion, it’s our differences, woven together into one tapestry, that make His church beautiful. 


  1. Pastor Jeff, we've never met but I did a Google image search on multicultural church and it brought up the graphic on this blog (above) which is my favorite, all joined together, diverse, and looking upward to God. I read your blog entry and appreciate it as well. I was curious if I could use the graphic as part of a subset graphic in a web page for a MidWest Calvary Chapel Bible College we are pioneering as the visual button for the class on Ecclesiology? The current one we have is not so reflective of our church currently (we are pretty diverse) nor what we believe the church ultimately is and will be either. If it is your staff, perhaps you'd be reluctant but if it is a generic photo, we'd sure love to use it. Thanks for letting me know. I did not want to presume.

    1. I do agree with the statement, because practicing language and learning it's show Ubuntu and regarding of where we come from but we still prace and pray to the same God who always watches over us

  2. I agree with the statement, it is true because it embraces all cultures and recognise that we have multilingual and multicultural society, the members of the church come from different cultural background, but we are all the children of God and therefore we are all important and equal.

    1. I agree with the statement, because regardless of who we are and where we come from but we all pray gets protection from one God

  3. I also agree with the statement. I'm not a church goer but the multicultural church seem to be a good church because it shows that they accept everyone the way she or he is, despite of their diversity and background. As we know that some people believe in both Gods and God so it will be more easy for them to connect and click to the multicultural ones. Seems like non judgmental to me.

  4. I agree with the statement, practicing more languages is part of learning and showing Ubuntu

  5. Unknown
    I agree we most believe in Christian, so we feel safe and free at church as we understand,we are in God house with different language we understand each other

  6. In churches we are from different cultures so we speak different languages, but always a translator so everyone can understand with our different languages

  7. We may be different cultures and speak different languages. But we praise one God and I like what you because it's shows that you are united

    1. I agree with the statement as we praise one God as he is the only judge. God love all of us although we are different cultures and different languages.

    2. God is one and He is love it deosnt matter the difference

  8. We can be different in different ways those differences makes no differnt in God we all the same


  10. I only I grew with the multicultural because as people we came from different homes which do or believe in different things. multicultural church welcomed all people.

  11. I also agree we might differ according to skin colour but we are one in the eyes of God a and we all worship one God.

  12. I agree. I feel like churches are the safer place and most accomodative environment. This hence should be practiced even outside of church as we are all the same and all equal .

    1. That is true. Churches are very welcoming and accommodating to everyone. Never been to a church where diversity was not practiced and every individual made to feel like they couldn't worship in their own language because in front of God everyone come as they are. So people feel more free and safer in church.

  13. in agree as the church is a safe place for everyone

  14. I also agree, we all attend different churches but in the eyes of God with are the same.

  15. I agree, when it comes to God we are one. We can't point at one another but being one always mak3s God happy

  16. We are different in colour and cultures,but God sees us as one big family, in most churches unity and love is provided to everyone.

  17. I agree with the above statement in churches we might be speaking different languages but there will be an interpreter for everyone to understands hence it binds us all together as one.

  18. I truly agree with the statement above because although we are different from one another in earth but in God equal, we are people of his kingdom but we are family and we are one abide in him

  19. I agree with the statement because we may come from different cultures, doing things different in our churches and homes but in front of Almighty God, we are the same.

  20. I totally agree with the above statement in churches we coming from different cultures and we are multilingual from our society but when it comes to God we are one family . And God loves us all regardless of our culture and racies . We all one nation

  21. I agree with the statementa above, knowing each others differences could build one nation

  22. I agree with the statement, I remember I ready something on the Bible were people build pillar from earth to heaven,because the were united then God change them in different colors and languages, so to the eyes of God we r one .

  23. The church is a very welcoming place to all people of different races and cultures. It does have a certain type of group that are considered to qualify for it. Christianity is a very beautiful religion. I also believe in it.

  24. I agree, being multilingual shows that you are willing to learn and willing to understand other people from different parts of the world, especially in a church.

  25. This is an example of the power of God
    To think of all these people from different countries with different cultures but in church they put aside colour, culture and attitude and unite in the name of the Lord. I'm sure they have learnt a lot of each others languages which makes the multilingual. I remember a verse in the bible where people spoke in tongues or in languages they did not understand.

  26. i agree as in the bible it states that God wants what's in our hearts. being a multiracial church is a good thing for faith as a whole. the color of my skin means nothing. our differences will make us united even more

  27. I agree with that statement because being multilingual helps you to learnt more about others people's culture.

  28. I gree, multingual helps to understand other languages and culture.

  29. I agree with the statement, church accommodate different people from different culture and if different languages are practiced it will be easy for congregations to understand what is being preached. Through multilingual the congregation will be able to interact and also learning different languages at the same time.

  30. God created a human being in his own image (Genesis 1:27) and we all form the body of Christ(1 Corinthians 12:27). In the eyes of the lord we are one and it is important as children of God to unite regardless of our different cultures and languages.

  31. I like the fact that the church is aware of people’s differences and that they are doing everything intentionally. There is richness in having a multicultural church as you get to interact with different people yet with the same vision of serving the Lord.

  32. A church is a family of people coming from different homes, cultures, diversity and backgrounds meeting in the name of God which makes our Father in heaven pleased. This serves as a reminder that we form part of the body of Christ and we are all the same in front of God's eyes.

  33. church is regarded as a family and a community, since people are from different backgrounds and cultures, but in the church are able to worship together as one, as it is said in the book of Genesis that God created people in his image.

  34. I share the same sentiments with pastor Jeff. Though the church congregation come from different backgrounds and Languages, they worship the same God. When worshiping and praising God, the spiritual connection and outcome is the the same, regardless of the multilanguages.

  35. I agree in regionalism, where different backgrounds attend,so that the multilingual society was needed because everyone must feel welcome, comfortable and understanding the words of God that was sharing in the church.we can be there as different cultures but the purpose is the same,for praising God.

  36. I agree with all that you have said, being multilingual is important and can make communication better and will be able to understand each other better. Being in a multilingual community or church is actually a good thing because the word shared can be understood by many if not all because of the languages used.

  37. I believe multilingual is important in our churches, we will be able to understand the word of God irrespective of which language is used.

  38. I agree because in church we from different culture but we worship one God in order to understand each other we should use english so that everyone understand

  39. I also agree with you pastor, in our church we use English and there are vernacular interpreters. everyone goes home with the potion of the message of the Lord .

  40. I agree with pastor massage of the God must be told and pet must be told the truth about God

  41. I agree with the above statement. Multicultural churches should be acceptable by all. In Gods eyes we are all one.

  42. Indeed, God sees his image in all of us . We are one before his eyes

  43. I agree with the statement above.multi lingual is important because it makes communication much easier and understandable.

  44. I agree with the statements . We are all unique but so much alike. We have been created in God's image. It's very important to have interpreters so everyone feels important and included

    1. Motlaledibe Maria Tlaki
      Yes indeed we are created by God image,just that different cultures and religions but same blood.

  45. I also agree to be a multicultural family.we grow in faith,connected with Christ worship together as community,as nation and the whole world.the holy spirit allowed us to witness into both Jerusalem,and in all Judea, and in Samaria ,and to the uttermost part of the earth(Acts1:8) and Gods grace allow us to observe, experience or view his we will be the same together as one

  46. We are all the same race does not mean we are not the same. We are beautiful together in diverse. Image if in the world we were all of the same race. It should have been boring.

  47. We are all the same God's creatures

  48. Good day all.
    Multilingualism and multiculturalism are concepts that promote freedom of expression, only in your own language. We may express the same ideas , only in the languages that we are most comfortable with.
    That alone unites us more than it can divide us.
    Thank you

  49. yes i totally agree. even though we all come from different backgrounds and cultures. God sees us as one

  50. God does not see colour as He is the one who created us.

  51. We all created by God, the only thing that different cultures, languages but one blood you can see how creative God he is

  52. I agree with the above statement.
    In Christ we are all the same despite of our difference in culture and background so this all gives us the chance to be combine/unite

  53. I agree with your statement we are all God,s children the only difference is where we come from our culture and the languages we speak.

  54. I agree with a statement since we are all created by Lord that means we are in same to his hurt no one is better that that the other the difference is is that we are coming from different nations with different languages even cultures

  55. I agree with the statement because regardless of who we are and where we come from we are all God's children

  56. I agree and believe church play a big positive role as well hence we come from different places, background, society, family and listen to what is preached at the service and explained in different languages to accommodate everyone in a good way.

  57. I agree, hence we have a different backgrounds, come from different places, society, families, church play a positive role to encourage multilingual in our surroundings. People visits to church, some don't know any one but through the explainination of what brings people together and beliefs they become united.

  58. God is love,God is a Creator father of all nation and he is not differentiate any of children by their culture to him we are equal.

  59. I agree with the statement above in God's eyes we are equal regardless of culture and language

  60. In order for people with different interest, cultures and languages, there is so much to be taken into consideration before they live together in peace and harmony. and once they have reached that stage there is nothing I can compare to it except heaven.

  61. Yes in God we are one and the same thing. But we are from deferent cultures and we praise him in different ways

  62. Multilingualism is so important in our lifetime, God created the earth and all things that live in it. We all have our own form of religions and mannerism in which we praise God.


  64. Yes I agree, being able to speak or to know different languages helps you as a human, easy to communicate with other people from other cultures

  65. Yes, I do agree that we are all human beings with different beliefs and we praise one God. Therefor we all need to treat each other fairly regardless of Language or cultural background. Ubuntu means I am because we are.

  66. I do agree with the statement and Yes I agree that people are different and we have different believes. People should respect other people's believes

  67. I believe the kingdom of God is for all nations and the word of kingdom of God states that repeatedly so yes I agree that we need accept one another as we are accepted by the almighty.

  68. I also agree with the statement yes we speak different languages perform different cultures but we pray the same God that created us all.and having interpreter at church helps alot and we also learn other languages

  69. Totally agree with the statement of serving one True GOD and despite the many languages that we speak in our churches does not take away the fact that the is only one Divine which when he speaks to us he uses the language we know " our mother tongue" we do pray the one who wad and still is the Alpha and Omega

  70. The Church is the one place where cultural and language diversity will not put one above the other. Where race is truly irrelevant . Where my brother is truly my brother . Not some other species. Amen.

  71. I agree with your statement and I want to point out that I am not a regular church gore but I like the picture painted on multilingual difference. We pray one God and our cultural differences and linguistic diversity don't have anything to prevent us to unite with common purpose of worship.

  72. I believe that church will always be multicultural and diverse due to many changes and elvoving lifestyle we encounter in our daily life expirience. Churches in the cities and those in rural areas are not the same. The most important thing is what Paul said we were all baptized into Christ there is no Jew or Greek bond or free but we are all one in Christ. Unity in diversity main attitude is Ubuntu. I am because you are.

  73. I agree with the idea of a multilingual church as I believe everyone is allowed to worship in a language of their choice. Churches are community backgrounds and everyone being allowed to go to church and be able to express themselves in their language is commendable.

  74. Now that is what the Bible means when it says we are all created in the image of God. Different races, faces, cultures and languages yet one God for us all. Thank you for showing that the spirit of Christ still lives.
