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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Father...

Our Father, which art in Heaven…

One of the most powerful images of God in the Bible is God the Father. The problem is that the word father has very different connotations for different people. For some, father brings to mind the smell of after-shave, or scratchy whiskers when being kissed goodnight; of being pushed on swings, having heart-to-heart talks, and knowing there was always someone strong who would be there if you got in trouble. For others, father is a distant figure, unapproachable, unpredictable, even frightening – “Just wait until your father gets home!” And if that’s what father means to you, trusting Father God may be a real challenge.

 When praying the Lord’s Prayer, remember that we are not intended to judge God by the sins of our fathers. Rather, we learn what fatherhood is meant to be by looking at God! If you’re a dad, understand that the measure of your manhood is the degree to which you embody God’s character in your family. And, if you’re feeling lost and alone, remember that you have a father in Heaven who loves you.

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