Believe it or not, yesterday was “National Talk Like a Pirate Day.” It really was. And somewhere in the nation there were scores of people running around growling “Arrrrrrr, ye land lubber, Shiver me timbers,” and “Avast me hearties!”
Don’t believe me? Check out!
I even did a little pirate talk in my home (much to my children’s embarrassment), but chose to refrain during Sunday worship.
I’m not sure that pirates even talked like pirates. Truth be told, they were rather ruthless and cruel human beings, despite their cult status in popular culture.
And I got to thinking…
Seems to me that we should have a national “Talk Like Jesus Day.” That doesn’t mean using a lot of “thee’s” and “thou’s” or using lots of God-talk such as “Praise the Lord,” “Glory to God,” and “Thank you, Jesus.” If you listen carefully, Jesus himself didn’t pepper all of his speech with religious language.
(And have you ever wondered why in the movies, Jesus always seems to speak with a British accent?)
Rather, on “Talk Like Jesus Day,” “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Eph 4:29
Come to think of it, sounds like a good plan for every day!
I’m in. How about you?
I like it! I'd rather talk like Jesus than like a pirate any day. And be talked to as well!