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Monday, April 12, 2010

Three cheers for Phil!

Three cheers for Phil!

If you are a golf fan, you were probably riveted to the TV yesterday as Phil Mickelson strode up the hill to his third victory at “The Masters” golf tournament.

If you’re not a golf fan, you were probably still aware of the event because of the return of Tiger Woods. After a self-imposed exile from golf following the revelation of his numerous episodes of adultery, Tiger returned to the course determined to reestablish his reputation as the world’s greatest golfer.

Tiger did ok as far as his golfing, coming in a respectable fourth-place. But, to tell you the truth, he didn’t look happy. Apparently nothing short of victory on the golf course could satisfy. Maybe not even that.

On the other hand, Phil won the day – not only as a golfer, but as a husband and father.

You see, about a year ago, Phil’s wife, Amy, was diagnosed with breast cancer. His mother has been fighting the same disease as well. As a result, Phil Mickelson, arguably the world’s second-greatest golfer, also took a hiatus from the game. He stepped away from golf to care for his wife and children while she was undergoing chemotherapy. This weekend was his big return too.

Even on Saturday night, as he prepared for the final round of this major golf tournament, Phil placed fatherhood above golf. He was up until 1:00 in the morning in the emergency room with is daughter, who had fractured her wrist falling off a skateboard.

I found myself choking back tears yesterday afternoon.  I’ve long been a fan of Phil, but when he won the tournament and ran to the sidelines to hug his wife – and held her and held her and held her, tears running down his cheeks and hers – I went from being a fan to being a raving fan.

God’s Word says “Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it.” Eph 5:25 (GW)   I’m grateful that for a moment, at least, the cameras were turned on a champion who is doing just that, and pray that I may do the same.

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