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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Right Tool

For years, I've taught that being a faithful and effective disciple of Jesus Christ requires that believers become "life-long learners." So, trying to be a "doer of the word" and not a teacher only, I recently enrolled in a pastoral coaching network with Nelson Searcy. Nelson is lead pastor at The Journey Church in New York City, and under his leadership that church has been remarkably successful at reaching unbelievers, leading them to faith, and nurturing disciples.

I told you that so that I can tell you this...

Today will be our third coaching call. And, according to the contract we signed, this is the time we can bail out at no cost if we don't believe the network is useful.

Much to my surprise, I went to my mailbox this morning and found a letter from Nelson. A letter of encouragement. A letter that said, in effect, I hope you're getting the tools you want out of our time together. I know it's a big commitment. I hope you'll stick with it.

The letter also contained a gift - a multipurpose tool (and a very nice one), with a reminder that most jobs in life are easier when you've got the right tools!

Well, the fact is that I'm getting a lot out of this network, and I was planning to stick with it anyway. But I'm impressed with how important a little gift made me feel. A token of appreciation. A note of encouragement. Maybe he's teaching by example.

Do we show that same kind of appreciation and encouragement to our friends and neighbors? To the leaders and others engaged in ministry in our church? Would we be willing to take on that kind of extra expense to catch an unbeliever's attention and share the gospel of Jesus Christ?

I hope this blog is an encouragement to you. My hope is that we can all encourage one another to deeper faith and more radical discipleship. Let me know what tools you need, and I'll try to pass them along.

Now may the God of peace— who brought up from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great Shepherd of the sheep, and ratified an eternal covenant with his blood— may he equip you with all you need for doing his will.
Heb 13:20-21 (NLT)

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