This week I’ve been reflecting on Jesus’ statement that “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
What I’ve come to realize is that this truth works both ways!
If my heart is truly dedicated to God, then I’m going to want to put my treasure in God’s kingdom. The more my heart is dedicated to God and God’s purposes in the world, the more of my treasure I will want to invest in his purposes. And, God’s greatest purpose is to bring everyone to a saving belief in Jesus Christ. I’ve always known that.
But it turns out that the opposite is true too! The more that I invest my treasure in God’s work, the more my heart will be drawn to Christ and his kingdom.
For example, for the first many years of my life, I had no interest in the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average was nothing more than a bunch of numbers in the newspaper. And Costco was just a place I went to shop. But, a few years ago I went out and bought some stock in Costco. Suddenly, the fortunes of Costco began to matter to me. How were same store sales compared to last year? Were they growing or shrinking. Costco grabbed a part of my heart. Why? Because I’d invested a portion of my treasure there.
Do you want to become more passionate in your relationship with Christ and his Church? Then make some substantial investments in what God is doing here locally and around the world. And, the more your heart is drawn to Jesus, the more you’ll want to invest in reaching more people who need him.
I’ve never bought anything here on earth that’s lasted more than a few years. Just about everything I’ve put money into has pleased me for a while, then eventually lost my interest as something newer, flashier, faster, cooler came along. But every person who was lost but has now received eternal life in Jesus is going to be living with him – and me – forever in heaven. Wow! Now that’s treasure that can get my heart beating.
Where are you putting your treasure? What is the passion of your heart?
True joy will come to you when you make a decision to put them all in one place.
Grace and Peace,